Wednesday, 19 August 2015

IIMT Studies believes E-Learning and Distance Education betters literacy rates

E-Learning and Distance Education are gaining grounds in the ‘Digital India’. International Institute ofManagement and Technical Studies believes that knowledge knows no prejudices. It is a resource which is available for free and therefore, its reachability should be as wide as possible. The processes of E-learning and Distance Education help implement this ideology upheld by IIMT.

E-Learning and Distance Education are getting more popular in a world which is getting better digitalized. Information and knowledge are easily available on various online portals and applications and is circulated through CDs, pen drives and in many other ways. International Institute of Management and Technical Studies believes that knowledge knows no prejudices. It is a resource which is available for free and therefore, its reachability should be as wide as possible. E-learning and Distance Education have significantly helped improve the literacy rates of the country.

Such a way of education has been described as "a process to create and provide access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both.” IIMT Studies delivers certificate courses to enable those willing to learn pursue their dreams. IIMT Ahmedabad believes that these days, education is aided by technological advancement. This has led to distance learning becoming way more systematized. It has unleashed the potential of distance learning by enabling individual attention and communication between students and teachers separated by boundaries.

IIMT Distance Education offers multiple E-Learning and Distance Education courses. They include:
1.       Correspondence conducted through regular mail
2.       Internet conducted either synchronously or asynchronously
3.       Telecourse/Broadcast, in which content is delivered via radio or television
4.       CD-ROM, in which the student interacts with computer content stored on a CD-ROM
5.       PocketPC/Mobile Learning where the student accesses course content stored on a mobile device or through a wireless server
6.       Integrated E-Learning and Distance learning, the Integration of live, In-group Instruction or Interaction with a E-Learning and Distance Learning Curriculum

The use of radio revolutionized the way of education as many universities broadcasted educational programs on topics such as rural development, programs in agriculture for farmers, science education, creative writing, mass communication, and so on. The recent increase in use of smart phones has furthered the reach of IIMT distance learning programmes. Such a reach of education is very resourceful and will aid the development at national and international levels.


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