Monday, 21 September 2015

IIMT Studies receives applaud from PM Modi

A very lucrative option to pursue study through distance mode is through International Institute of Management andTechnical Studies (IIMT). This institute is a not-for-profit organization working solely to provide quality education to whosoever seeks it.
IIMT Studies has always received appreciation for its noble cause from all possible sources. What stands as a testimony to this fact is that our PM Modi himself has paid his regards to IIMT. IIMT Studies is soon going to launch an International Booklet on Human Resources Professionals and this effort was what our PM Modi commented on.
PM Modi said, “International Institute of Management and Technical Studies is launching an International Booklet on Human Resources Professionals. It is heartening to know that it would be produced in more than 100 countries through network of the institute. Appreciating the book is to be launched for free and for betterment of society. I convey my good wishes to all at International Institute of Management and Technical Studies for the endeavor in networking the Human Resources Professionals.”
PM Modi also emphasized on the role of human resource managers and how they play the role of strategic partners. He said, “Human resource managers in today’s world play the role of strategic partners. This role helps the development with accomplishment of goals of organization by means of wider business planning. The challenge of Human resource today is to think with attitude and acumen of business person. The present scenario demands that a Human resource professional ought to be A Employee, Advocate and A Change Champion.”
Prof. K.K. Gupta, Vice Chancellor of IIMT Studies, talked about the importance of distance education today which has now surpassed even the regular courses. He said, “Distance education has been interpreted in as very narrow sense that is to get a degree privately or through correspondence. But today, the implications of Distance education, so called, education through correspondence, has gone such a long way that it has surpassed even the merits of regular study, both qualitative as well as quantitatively.”

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